Cobrex and Xtreme-Jumps proudly present: Kreedz The Movie, a huge compilation of the best moments in kreedz movies along 2007-2012. More information available at
Almost 2 years after the release of this move I still get goose bumps and feel the chill down my spin. Kreedz will definitely be a memory for life, I'm glad to be a part of this community. Thanks everyone for making this real. //Z
Not sure how I came across this comment but this video gives me some major nostalgia.. I remember kzing in 1.6 all the regulars who would play.. What an absolutely special time back in those days.. Young, no responsibilities, just fun.
Been over 17 years when I first launched this game and was hooked from the start, haven't played in years but this video reminds me of simple times without worries of the outside world. I'm still in contact with good amount of people I met during my years of playing this game, I think its safe to say it made a big impact in our lives. Beautiful memories, lots of them... to me this video represent significant part of childhood and this is one of those moments when I wish I could turn back time and feel that excitement again.
And here we go again after almost a decade Ive randomly came to this masterpiece on RUclips. Thank you, Thank you kz community for such a great and fun time playing KZ. //With love PU9maker
Was browsing the YT clips and i spotted this movie once again after a long time.. beautiful, touching, legendary.. Movies like this give sense to KZ. Thank you Cobrex
It's been a long time... I'm very old player, i was here at the start of XJ and i'm so happy to see guy play again in mine maps. i saw lot of this best moments when they just appeared. I loved Xtrem-jumps (XJ) and again today, i can say that : I love XJ ! This is a very good movie. Kreedz, Kimo, T3dbunny, esilo, 3ddy, zhady, ndR....and all other.
I mean, CS:GO movement is actually closer to traditional source movement than 1.6 movement is, so some people could potentially say 1.6 players will never understand. See how pointless gatekeeping is?
there is only one place where u can shoot like a star and fly like a butterfly. Cs 1.6 . 20 years I've been playing this beautiful game. I did 256 lj and visit around 30-50 events on LAN. I am crying, this nostalgy is so strong!
nothing will disappear, it's not an ending of cs 1.6 kreedzing. these are just great moments and memories gathered together. just amazing, gives me goose bumps everytime I watch this. much love
Hitting an edge or jump bug was such a glorious feeling. I created to movie "hp independent" dedicated to these two. It is still on my channel and I watch it from time to time. Good old times.
I don't often watch kreedz movies nowadays ,because they are almost the same boring type of trick jumping,but this is a movie with unique style and history which deserves to be watched over and over again.
One of the best kreedz movies, despite of the leaking of 2007-09 clips, you managed to pick some of the best demos, including Bibo's unique style on his 255 long jump block. Great job, liked and favorited.
Alfred jonsson bro kz and bhop are not dead... You can play still... Just search abyss cs 1.6 find the server, for now kz jumping is offline (it will be online soon) but there is bhop server (abyss also). Greetings. P S if you can't find those 2 servers let me know.
it was named as honorly as this just to represent the feeling in this movie. basicly, kreedz, kreedzing meant cs 1.6 kz_ maps and climbing them. but trickjumping & tj-movies have been a big part of this community from the beginning. it's one of the reasons why we're still up and running. ps. admins or even I didn't make the choices, Cobrex choosed the movies. and we're open for more ideas like you just said, but there're already shortcut movies. I bet we'll see more compilations in the future:)
Find game like this now?? I give u 1 year to look and im sure any of u wont find anything better then cs 1.6 !! This is most amazing game in every aspect.. Not today pay2win shits, games are dying cause there is no more realness.. all is fake sponsors streamers..back in days when all u got is youtube demo videos and servers where u can seek other good players and together create something like this, pure nostalgia..memorie lane !!! thanks for all especially for kredz i will always find time to enter some servers and jump to infinite!
me acuerdo cuando en 2012 te abondone por q cambie mi vida y con tan solo mirar esto me recuerda esos momentos tan legendarios . nose si decirte adiós pero se q un dia llegará y lo dejaré todo...jamás voy a olvidar esos recuerdos JAmas
wish we could turn back time, to the good old days
When our momma strafes us to sleep but now we're stressed out
You can still play some really decent kz on css
I am really happy to have been a part of the community! One love and appreciation to all!
Almost 2 years after the release of this move I still get goose bumps and feel the chill down my spin. Kreedz will definitely be a memory for life, I'm glad to be a part of this community. Thanks everyone for making this real.
åååååh, denna videon var fan inte igår
Är du med i den?
it always be !!
im here in 2023 lol
I’ve recently got into KZ, I watched this video and scrolled through the comments and I respect everyone that this means a lot to.
Not sure how I came across this comment but this video gives me some major nostalgia.. I remember kzing in 1.6 all the regulars who would play.. What an absolutely special time back in those days.. Young, no responsibilities, just fun.
Been over 17 years when I first launched this game and was hooked from the start, haven't played in years but this video reminds me of simple times without worries of the outside world. I'm still in contact with good amount of people I met during my years of playing this game, I think its safe to say it made a big impact in our lives. Beautiful memories, lots of them... to me this video represent significant part of childhood and this is one of those moments when I wish I could turn back time and feel that excitement again.
Pure nostalgia , miss those days
So much nostalgia it actually hurts :(
+iiperento i cried
+runescapersownu weak.
+Exhibit One stalk'd
runescapersownu get stalkd
;( 2 years after this comment
And here we go again after almost a decade Ive randomly came to this masterpiece on RUclips.
Thank you, Thank you kz community for such a great and fun time playing KZ.
//With love PU9maker
kzsk forever
Was browsing the YT clips and i spotted this movie once again after a long time.. beautiful, touching, legendary.. Movies like this give sense to KZ. Thank you Cobrex
2016 - it's still beautiful
Almost Famous And still the best
Amazing work cobrex , even after so many years!
1.6 movement was something else
november 2021 here. it hurts..
I still get goose bumps and tears in my eyes remembering old times and watching this movie.. thank you all
It's been a long time...
I'm very old player, i was here at the start of XJ and i'm so happy to see guy play again in mine maps.
i saw lot of this best moments when they just appeared.
I loved Xtrem-jumps (XJ) and again today, i can say that : I love XJ !
This is a very good movie.
Kreedz, Kimo, T3dbunny, esilo, 3ddy, zhady, ndR....and all other.
Playlist SONGS
1. John Murphy - Sunshine (Adagio In D Minor)
2. Zack Hemsey - The Way (Instrumental)
3. Hans Zimmer - Time
Stop asking :)
2019 anyone?.. csgo players will never understand. Memories are still alive. Forever.
Sup. I feel old lol
I mean, CS:GO movement is actually closer to traditional source movement than 1.6 movement is, so some people could potentially say 1.6 players will never understand. See how pointless gatekeeping is?
Im definitely csgo, i played cs first time 2 years ago, but even i played source and 1.6 kz. I understand why people like it bit i prefer csgo
playing for 3 years struggling to learn cj :)
Live in 2024💪❤️
2021- it's still beautiful
there is only one place where u can shoot like a star and fly like a butterfly. Cs 1.6 . 20 years I've been playing this beautiful game. I did 256 lj and visit around 30-50 events on LAN. I am crying, this nostalgy is so strong!
lovely work. after all those years this still brings a tear to my eye
Gold old days... Sometimes you wish to go back in time and enjoy them moments..
nothing will disappear, it's not an ending of cs 1.6 kreedzing. these are just great moments and memories gathered together. just amazing, gives me goose bumps everytime I watch this.
much love
I’m stilled amazed
the best movie and best players!
kreedz never dies it will always be in our hearts
this single video earned you a sub for life
Unfortunately I didn't see this movie untill now :o Great movie cobrex! Glad to be a part of it!
Hitting an edge or jump bug was such a glorious feeling. I created to movie "hp independent" dedicated to these two.
It is still on my channel and I watch it from time to time. Good old times.
This is truly amazing.
Pure awesomeness!
❤ The good times. This is legacy that only people who played it know what it was will live forever ♥️🇧🇬
Thanks guys !!
Great work cobrex. As I already told you, this is way better then the first version and it was a pleasure to help you make it even better!
u miss many awesome movies here. but i still love it. thank u for memories cobrex!
RIP kreedz..
There's a game called Kreedz climbing, dont know if its related to these guys but u could give it a try C:
KreedZ never die
did kreedz (the guy) actually died or what?
2019 , it still beautiful af
I don't often watch kreedz movies nowadays ,because they are almost the same boring type of trick jumping,but this is a movie with unique style and history which deserves to be watched over and over again.
bv cobrex, superb film, nu exista cuvinte sa descriu acest film
Rip kreedz! 18 / 03/ 19
This was 10 minutes? I was like its 2 mins, very nice
wow kreedz is amazing !!!!
man i remember getting high and playing some kreedz maps back in 2005 or so
i sucked hard at this but it was so chill and fun
those were good times..
One of the best kreedz movies, despite of the leaking of 2007-09 clips, you managed to pick some of the best demos, including Bibo's unique style on his 255 long jump block.
Great job, liked and favorited.
2019 - still beautiful
made me remember really good old times :)
Brilliant work, cobrex.
Nostalgia hits hard man..
I love this.
2017, still here :(
Alfred jonsson bro kz and bhop are not dead... You can play still... Just search abyss cs 1.6 find the server, for now kz jumping is offline (it will be online soon) but there is bhop server (abyss also). Greetings. P S if you can't find those 2 servers let me know.
Its so painfull to watch this movie in 2021
it was named as honorly as this just to represent the feeling in this movie. basicly, kreedz, kreedzing meant cs 1.6 kz_ maps and climbing them. but trickjumping & tj-movies have been a big part of this community from the beginning. it's one of the reasons why we're still up and running.
ps. admins or even I didn't make the choices, Cobrex choosed the movies. and we're open for more ideas like you just said, but there're already shortcut movies. I bet we'll see more compilations in the future:)
Amazing work!
Aż łeska się w oku kręci.
strong nostalgia
the best ending ever i've seen! great job
Amazing... Great work!
nice work man, honored to be in it
Find game like this now?? I give u 1 year to look and im sure any of u wont find anything better then cs 1.6 !! This is most amazing game in every aspect.. Not today pay2win shits, games are dying cause there is no more realness.. all is fake sponsors streamers..back in days when all u got is youtube demo videos and servers where u can seek other good players and together create something like this, pure nostalgia..memorie lane !!! thanks for all especially for kredz i will always find time to enter some servers and jump to infinite!
I wish I could go back in time
Not to change shit, just to feel a couple things twice
This is who i am :) im so proud -sokrat
Inspiration... I think, that every movie takes part in kreedz history.
So, this movie gave me more motivation to keep climbing. Great 2013 everybody.
the legendary movie with legendary players !
Good old memories.
tbh "the movie" was quite a bomb title in '07-09' so it has really great feeling to this :)
Awesome movie :')
Was my best 6 years of kreedz hns
last song, made me cry..
2018 - I cry..
best movie nice work guys.
Thanks! :)
i miss..all of you
kreedz for life
Very very very nice it is really fantastic
really great idea, enjoyed the whole movie : D also nice too see some clips from my movies haha : D
Najs bror
Woow... No words.
I cried.
rip dropsys
Ностальгия, я аж прослезился)
WOW Amazing video! Tracklist please =)
Kreedz never die :
me acuerdo cuando en 2012 te abondone por q cambie mi vida y con tan solo mirar esto me recuerda esos momentos tan legendarios . nose si decirte adiós pero se q un dia llegará y lo dejaré todo...jamás voy a olvidar esos recuerdos JAmas
the golden era
Last song was fucking amazing.
I had 1 scene and it was a longjump FeelsBadMan